Rope in screw

Is there a rope at the screw of your boat stuck? Then it is important that you seek help immediately. Therefore, call Vaarzeker immediately! We offer help on the water in case of boat breakdown. As the only party in the Netherlands we can offer assistance on all waters, and also repair your engine. One address for all the services you may need.

Rope in the propeller of your boat

If a line or object enters the propeller of your engine, technical problems will occur. For example, the engine may jam or fail when you want to turn it on. This can happen to you when you want to sail into the harbor, but it can also happen when you are in the middle of the water.

touw in schroef

Rope in screw: why get help?

When a rope is stuck in the propeller of your boat, it is wise not to start fixing it yourself. By doing so, you can prevent possible damage to the propeller or outboard motor. Moreover, it is also better to contact a specialist like Vaarzeker immediately to ensure your safety. Our boat watch Offers the best roadside assistance on the water and ashore. Call us directly at 085-3038253!

Why Vaarzeker?

When a rope has gotten stuck in your boat's propeller, choose Vaarzeker. We are the specialist in assistance and breakdown assistance on the water and ashore. With us, you also enjoy unique benefits, such as:

  • Assistance on open water and ashore
  • Coverage on both inland waterways and the Great Lakes
  • Assistance for a fixed amount per month possible
  • Support points throughout the Netherlands to assist you in an emergency or breakdown situation

Is a rope stuck in your boat's motor and you are on open water? Contact us immediately by calling us: 085-3038253. Is your boat ashore and is the breakdown service not in a hurry? Then you can also contact us by emailing us at or by the contact form fill in.